,All Images © Timothy Baker


Bull Fight
Pamplona, Spain

Kangaroo tails for sale.
Victoria Market
Melbourne, Australia
Stunt pilot.
Sonoma, California
Ross Sea,

Camel driver.
Sinai, Egypt

Seconds after the kill.
Kruger National Park,
South Africa

Native Dancers
Tanna Island, Vanuatu
Atop the Golden Gate Bridge,
San Francisco

Cuna Indians
San Blas Islands, Panama
Start of Whitbread Round the World Sailboat Race.
Auckland, New Zealand
Managua, Nicaragua
Volcanic eruption.
Tanna Island, Vanuatu
Aleppo, Syria
Scott's Hut,
Pulling the reins to a halt.
Auckland, New Zealand

Venice, Italy

Bull Flight
Barcelona, Spain

Fellucas on the Nile.
Aswan, Egypt

Dragon boat race.
Auckland, New Zealand

Young camposina,

Palmyra, Syria
Tel Aviv, Israel

Running of the Bulls
Pamplona, Spain

After the Running of the Bulls, smaller young bulls are let loose for would-be matadors to try their luck.
Pamplona, Spain

A caver rests after repelling 300 feet down into The Lost World.
Waitomo, New Zealand

Christchurch, New Zealand

Eiffel Tower,

White water rafting.
Middle Fork of the
Salmon River, Idaho
Candlestick Park,
San Francisco

Beach Huts,
South Africa